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Cardio Kickboxing
"Come train like a fighter"
Tuesday 17:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 9:30-10:30
Thursday 9:30-10:30

About Our Training
Called the “art of eight limbs" is the national sport of Thailand, and is steeped in thousands of years of culture and history. The art utilizes kicks, punches, knees, elbows, clinches, sweeps and throws.
This style has its origins in the Seidokan Karate martial arts, but has been made famous in the West with the so-called “Dutch Style” that employs heavy leg kicks within the usual kickboxing arsenal of kicks, punches and knees.
Is very much what its name implies; it is a mixture of all the above martial arts, as well as wrestling and judo. As all combat begins on the feet, we must train in striking, but we also must have technical prowess in the transitions to the ground with our wrestling, and then be able to work our BJJ once there. Of all the combat sports, MMA is the most completely applicable to Practical Self Defense.
Is exactly that; training to defend oneself in the potential of facing a “real life” scenario. Some training is very much like MMA, but without the rules of the sport, and with intent in mind that there is much more at stake when actually defending ourselves than a win or loss on our record. The focus of my coaching in Practical Self Defense is to neutralize a potentially volatile situation/person(s), and then to create time and space to safely disengage and escape the area of threat.
Was made famous by the Gracie family as it was globally introduced to the world via the early UFC shows. Jiu Jitsu is a grappling art that uses trips and throws to take an opponent to the ground where dominant grappling techniques combine with limb locks and choke holds to subdue an opponent. Traditionally, BJJ is practiced with a gi (traditional martial arts uniform), but no-gi BJJ is also very popular in the modern era.
Is the best known of the western combat sports, and although only punches are used as striking weapons, the unique footwork of western boxing makes it a very formidable martial art.
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